Our Museum Instrument Panel Collection

Can you believe this thing? We made a swap with our friend in Mexico, Captain Angel Aparicio, and ended up with a genuine DC-6 throttle quadrant. After many hours of removing all of the Spanish labeling, and of course, spiffing it up a bunch, we have what you see. For those of you too young to remember, the DC-6 had 4 props...you know, those big fan things powered by reciprocating engines...you know, those engines that...well, take my word for it. It was a plane.

de Havilland Comet instrument panel, just about as rare as this stuff gets!

Magnificently and meticulously restored by one of our associates. One of a kind on this earth.

Main instrument panel from 727-200 UAL N7446U. Complete, exactly as flown.

Main instrument panel from 727-200 UAL N7446U. Complete, exactly as flown.

Main instrument panel from 727-200 UAL N7446U. Complete, exactly as flown.